Hey guys.I use StumbleUpon for bookmarking my sites, and must say that the service and the quality of sites bookmarked have been very good. Except for one thing- There are no social bookmarking toolbars available for opera 9.5 !
Now, I know Opera might be a little low on plugins unlike your Firefox, but still, I felt that the opera developers left out this major chunk of my internet experience!
I have been told that social bookmarking sites take up almost 2% of the internets total traffic. At first glance, 2% is not such a big deal. But then, do you realise how many websites and URLs this may run into. Heck, this may run into billions for all I know!
So, a question to all you opera developers out there: Why no support for plugins?
And a warning to all you social bookmarking addicts out there: This is just not the right time to switch to opera!
Update: There is one method by which you can do this in opera. Goto OperaStumbler.com