I didnt believe in this concept until recently. One of my clients asked me this question, and I told him "No, it doesnt". He continued "I think it does!". I later began thinking that there may be more to this than meets the eye. The following article is based on my analysis of the situation.
> The more number of icons on your desktop, the more time it takes for all the icons to be loaded from the icon cache.
> This might be one of the reasons why windows seems to become slow.
> Whenever you exit a game, and return back to desktop, windows refreshes the desktop thereby refreshing the cache.
> Windows doesn't store all its icons in the memory because considering the depth of these icons, there would be no space in the memory left for running applications.
> This is also apparently the reason why a linux machine runs faster than a windows machine, with the same hardware configuration, apart from of course the OS architecture.