28 February, 2008

How to migrate JDK from a previous windows installation without actually installing it!

If you have a programming environment set up in windows, it is very difficult if not impossible to replicate it, if you happen to re install windows. This tutorial is for those Java developers who need to get their previous environment back without actually installing JDK. This tutorial assumes though that you haven't removed JDK from the HDD ;) . If you re installed windows XP cause your previous installation screwed up, and want to get your Java development environment including eclipse running, with minimum hassle, this tutorial is for you. Right click on "My Computer" and select "properties". You should see the screen below :


    1. Right click on "My Computer" and select "properties".
    2. Select Environment Variables
    3. You will need to set the "path" variables' value in the format :

    <Java Development Kit Directory path>\bin ;

    The ";" is required in the end, to separate one value from another. This is especially useful if you want the environment to include multiple paths in which to search for files.
    4. Similarly, you need to set the value for the "classpath" variable. The format is:

    <Java Development Kit Directory path>\lib;

    The ";" is required in the end, to separate one value from another. This is especially useful if you want the environment to include multiple paths in which to search for files.
    5. Click on "OK". Now, close any open "cmd" windows, and open them up again. The next time the "cmd" command is invoked, it should use the new environment.

    Now, you're all set! Now, you can even open eclipse, or NetBeans. All programs will begin to use the new environment without hassles!


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