25 February, 2008

How to uninstall Linux and still get XP/Vista to boot up properly:


  • Backup all important Linux documents onto a CD using KFreeBurner or something similar


  • Keep a Windows XP / Vista Bootable disk ready.


  • You cannot recover an XP installation from a Vista installation disk. So make sure you have a WORKING bootable XP disc. It doesn't matter which flavour. Just make sure it's bootable.


  • Make sure the BIOS settings are set such that the primary boot device is set to your CD/DVD disc drive.


  • Get a hardcopy of this document because once you start the recovery procedure, you will have no way of viewing this document on the same PC.

Go to Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Disk Management in XP

  1. Your Linux partitions will be shown with a pink colour and labelled "unrecognized partition".


  2. Right click on a Linux partition, and select "Delete Volume". Give the confirmation in the window that pops up.


  3. Do step 2 for every Linux partition that you want to remove.


  4. Now put your bootable Windows XP/Vista disc into your CD/DVD drive.


  5. Restart the computer


  6. The "Press any key to boot from CD/DVD . . ." option appears. Press any key to enter installation

For Windows XP:

  • Let the CD/DVD do its thing. You will be asked to choose from a screen which contains 3 options:
  1. To proceed with installation.
  2. To enter the "Recovery" console.
  3. To use auto recover from a recovery disc.


  • Option 2 is what we are looking for. Press "r" to enter recovery console.


  • You will be provided with a DOS type screen.


  • As soon as the keyboard detection procedures are completed, you will be asked to choose from the available XP installations. The installations have numbers as markings. Press the number of the XP installation which you would like to boot into.


  • Type your administrator password when prompted. You will then receive a prompt such as "c:\....\....>".


  • Now, follow the procedure carefully. The actual sequence is of paramount importance:


  1. Type "fixboot" without the quotes and press enter


  2. Press "y" for confirmation


  3. Type "fixmbr" without the quotes and press enter


  4. Press "y" for confirmation


That's it!!! Now hit "exit" without the quotes and remove the bootable disc from the drive. Your PC will boot normally into the XP installation you chose as if you had never installed Linux!!


For Windows Vista:

The procedure here is relatively simple.

Boot up using the Vista disc and let the environment load. Be patient as this might take longer on some computers. Then select "Recover an installation". Then select the vista installation and VOILA! Your Vista installation is ready to rock and roll!!


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