10 March, 2008

Add a Destination to the Send To Menu


By default, the Send To menu in Windows XP lists the following commands (destinations):
Compressed (zipped) Folder
Desktop (create shortcut)
Mail Recipient
My Documents
3 1/2 Floppy (A:)
CD Drive
To add a destination to the Send To menu, you must add a shortcut to the SendTo folder. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type sendto, and then click OK.
3. Add a destination by doing one of the following:
Use the drag-and-drop operation to move the item that you want to the SendTo folder; to do so, right-click, and then click Create Shortcuts Here.
Point to New on the File menu, and then click Shortcut.

Follow the instructions in the Create Shortcut Wizard.
A new shortcut is created in the SendTo folder, and it is displayed on the Send To menu.


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